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Bài Tập 2 - Lập Trình Hướng Đối Tượng

Code Kham Khảo Cách 1

using namespace std;

class ThiSinh{
  char Maso[32], Hoten[32], Ketqua[9];
  float DiemTB, DiemLT, DiemTH;
  char* getMaso(){
   return Maso;
  char* getHoten(){
   return Hoten;
  char* getKetqua(){
   return Ketqua;
  float getDiemTB(){
   return DiemTB;
  float getDiemLT(){
   return DiemLT;
  float getDiemTH(){
   return DiemTH;
  void Nhap();
  void Xuat();

class MangThiSinh{
  ThiSinh mang[100];
  int n;
  void NhapMang();
  void XuatMang();
  void LietKe_ThiSinh_DiemTH_Va_LT_Tren7();
  float TrungBinhCong_DiemThiSinh_List();
  void Search_with_code();
  void XapXep_TheoTen();

int main(){
 // Mang Thi Sinh
 MangThiSinh mang_ts;
 //Bat dau nhap mang thi sinh
 cout<<"\n============== NHAP MANG ===============\n"<<endl;
 //Xuat Mang Da Nhap
 cout<<"\n============== XUAT MANG ===============\n"<<endl;
 //Liet Ke Thi sinh co diem LT & TH tren 7
 cout<<"\n============== Tren 7 ===============\n"<<endl;
 //Tinh Tong Diem Trong List
 cout<<"\n============== TONG MANG ===============\n"<<endl;
 cout<<"Tong Mang = "<<mang_ts.TrungBinhCong_DiemThiSinh_List()<<endl;
 // Tim Kiem bang ho ten hoac bang ma so
 cout<<"\n============== Search MANG ===============\n"<<endl;
 //xap xiep theo ten
 cout<<"\n============== XAP XEP MANG ==============="<<endl;
 return 0;

 DiemLT = DiemTB = DiemTH = 0.0;
 strcpy(Hoten," ");
 strcpy(Maso," ");
 strcpy(Ketqua," ");

void ThiSinh::Nhap(){
 cout<<"Nhap Ten Thi Sinh: "; gets(Hoten);
 cout<<"Nhap Ma So Thi Sinh: "; gets(Maso);
 cout<<"Nhap Diem Ly Thuyet: "; cin>>DiemLT;
 while(DiemLT > 10 || DiemLT < 0){
  cout<<"Diem Phai > 0 Va < 10"<<endl;
  cout<<"Nhap Diem Ly Thuyet: "; cin>>DiemLT;
 cout<<"Nhap Diem Thuc Hanh: "; cin>>DiemTH;
 while(DiemTH > 10 || DiemTH < 0){
  cout<<"Diem Phai > 0 Va < 10"<<endl;
  cout<<"Nhap Diem Thuc Hanh: "; cin>>DiemTH; 
 if(((getDiemLT() + getDiemTH()*2)/3) >= 5) strcpy(Ketqua,"DAT");
 else strcpy(Ketqua,"KHONG DAT");
 DiemTB = (DiemLT + (DiemTH*2))/3;

void ThiSinh::Xuat(){
 cout<<"Ten Thi Sinh: \t\t"<<getHoten()<<endl;
 cout<<"Ma So Thi Sinh: \t"<<getMaso()<<endl;
 cout<<"Diem Ly Thuyet: \t"<<getDiemLT()<<endl;
 cout<<"Diem Thuc Hanh: \t"<<getDiemTH()<<endl;
 cout<<"Diem TB: \t\t"<<getDiemTB()<<endl;
 cout<<"Ket Qua: \t\t"<<getKetqua()<<endl;

void MangThiSinh::NhapMang(){
 cout<<"Nhap So Luong Thi Sinh: "; cin>>n;
 for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
  cout<<"Nhap Thi Sinh Thu [" << i+1<<"] / ["<<n<<"]"<<endl;

void MangThiSinh::XuatMang(){
 for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
  cout<<"Thi Sinh Thu [" << i+1<<"] / ["<<n<<"]"<<endl;

void MangThiSinh::LietKe_ThiSinh_DiemTH_Va_LT_Tren7(){
 int a = 0;
 for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
  if(mang[i].getDiemLT()>7 && mang[i].getDiemTH()>7){
   a+= 1;
 if(a == 0) cout<<"Khong co thi sinh LT & TH > 7"<<endl;

float MangThiSinh::TrungBinhCong_DiemThiSinh_List(){
 float result = 0;
 for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
  result+= mang[i].getDiemTB();
 return result;

void MangThiSinh::Search_with_code(){
// int b;
// do{
// cout<<"==== MENU ===="<<endl;
// cout<<"0. Exit\t1. Tim Tiep"<<endl;
// cout<<"Ban Muon Chon: "; cin>>b;
// char x[32]; bool a = true;
// cout<<"Nhap Ma So Hoac Ten Thi Sinh Can Tim: ";  fflush(stdin); gets(x);
// for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
//  if((strcmp(mang[i].getMaso(),x) == 0) || (strcmp(mang[i].getHoten(),x) == 0)){
//   cout<<"Da Tim Thay Thi Sinh ["<<x<<"]"<<endl;
//   mang[i].Xuat();
//  }
//  else a = false;
// }
// if(a == false) cout<<"Khong tim thay ["<<x<<"]"<<endl; 
// }while(b!=0);

 char x[32]; bool a = true;
 cout<<"Nhap Ma So Hoac Ten Thi Sinh Can Tim: ";  fflush(stdin); gets(x);
 for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
  if((strcmp(mang[i].getMaso(),x) == 0) || (strcmp(mang[i].getHoten(),x) == 0)){
   cout<<"Da Tim Thay Thi Sinh ["<<x<<"]"<<endl;
  else a = false;
 if(a == false) cout<<"Khong tim thay ["<<x<<"]"<<endl; 

void MangThiSinh::XapXep_TheoTen(){
 ThiSinh temp;
 for(int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
  for(int j=i+1; j<n; j++){
   if(strcmp(mang[i].getHoten(),mang[j].getHoten()) > 0){
    temp = mang[i];
    mang[i] = mang[j];
    mang[j] = temp;

Kham Khảo Cách 2

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